How Much Does PTSD Treatment Cost Without Cigna Insurance?
Expenses related to PTSD treatment, not covered under Cigna, can vary significantly. Factors like the type of chosen treatment, session frequency, and prescribed medications contribute to the overall costs. Out-of-pocket expenses may encompass fees for psychotherapy sessions, medication costs, and additional charges for diagnostics or consultations.
Take, for instance, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, where session costs may range from $150 to $250. Although this might seem relatively high, EMDR is typically a brief form of treatment, with clients often experiencing effects and initial relief in as few as three sessions.16 Furthermore, the costs for a 30-tablet supply of a prescribed 50mg daily sertraline dosage, the generic name for Zoloft®, can range from $18 to $32.17 For accurate cost details related to PTSD treatment, call 877-958-9212.