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Category Archives: Depression

Halloween Unmasks Mental Health Concerns

Ask anyone what images they conjure up at the mention of Halloween, and chances are their replies will run the […]

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What Is BIND, Or Benzodiazepine-Induced Neurological Dysfunction?

Benzodiazepines are classified as depressants and are frequently used in the United States and worldwide to treat and reduce anxiety, […]

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Do SSRIs Cause Sexual Side-Effects?

When treating many mental health disorders, including depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and panic disorder, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) […]

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When Is It a Quirk & When Is It Mental Illness?

Mental illnesses and quirks may overlap as both involve unique or unusual behaviors. While one person may seem quirky and […]

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Is Ozempic/Wegovy Causing Suicidal Ideations?

This blog contains a discussion on suicide. If you believe that you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, […]

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How Childhood Trauma Affects Us as Adults

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) defines childhood trauma as “the experience of an event by a child that […]

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What Does Depression Actually Feel Like?

Depression is a complex and misunderstood mental health condition affecting millions of people worldwide, and the trend is only worsening. […]

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Gallup Poll Shows Depression at Record Highs

If you’ve been pondering the collective state of mental health in the United States and feel that it is getting […]

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Depression Quizzes – Do They Work?

Depression quizzes or self-assessment tools can provide a general indication of whether you may be experiencing the symptoms associated with […]

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Can Someone Have Functional Depression?

Functional depression, sometimes referred to as high-functioning depression or dysthymia, is a term used to describe individuals who experience symptoms […]

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‘It’s a Man’s World’ – Loneliness and Suicide Challenge Old Truism

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LSD On Way To Legality?

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Mental Health Getting Infusion of State Funds

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