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Category Archives: Mental Health

Mental Health Getting Infusion of State Funds

FLORIDA IS 49th IN MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Now comes the time when those who crafted Florida’s 2024-25 budget will be […]

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How To Tell Your Employer You Need Time Off For Detox Treatment

 Your Situation: You’ve got an addiction, commonly known as substance abuse. You are determined to beat it, to get well. […]

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Nutrition and Mental Health

Nutrition is one of the most powerful tools for our health and well-being. A balanced diet can help us prevent […]

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Halloween Unmasks Mental Health Concerns

Ask anyone what images they conjure up at the mention of Halloween, and chances are their replies will run the […]

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“How Are You?” Fair Game in Politics?

Is ‘How Are You?’ An Unfair Question in Politics? The question has gone viral: Should questions about the mental health […]

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The Adderall Shortage – Why It’s Happening, Updates & When Will It End?

Since October 2022, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has announced an official shortage of Adderall and related prescription medications. According […]

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When Is It a Quirk & When Is It Mental Illness?

Mental illnesses and quirks may overlap as both involve unique or unusual behaviors. While one person may seem quirky and […]

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Is Ozempic/Wegovy Causing Suicidal Ideations?

This blog contains a discussion on suicide. If you believe that you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, […]

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The Negative (& Positive) Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

Social media platforms’ invention and meteoric rise have revolutionized how we communicate with others and perceive the narrative of our […]

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How Childhood Trauma Affects Us as Adults

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) defines childhood trauma as “the experience of an event by a child that […]

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‘It’s a Man’s World’ – Loneliness and Suicide Challenge Old Truism

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Pride Parades Colorful Way to Gain Rights

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LSD On Way To Legality?

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Mental Health Getting Infusion of State Funds

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